The Rotary Club of Madras South is Chennai’s second Rotary club, chartered nearly 60 years ago on 30th June 1960. The club celebrated its golden jubilee with eclat in 2009-10. The year 2019-20 is the diamond jubilee year; apart from events throughout the year, a grand celebration was organized on 29 February 2020. The club has 73 members, has given Rotary four Governors over the years, and is a cosmopolitan mix of youth and experience, of businessmen and professionals from a variety of disciplines.
Our Club website has moved to a new domain and revamped completely. Visit us at and continue to read about our updates, watch our videos, Club projects and news. Joining us now is easier than ever. Checkout the details at our new website, and importantly connect with us. See you again soon, on our new website.
Home Nursing Programme sponsored by our Club at ANEW Vocational Training Centre in Anna Nagar got way today. The programme supports 10 students to pursue this course. At the simple function held at ANEW today, 20 Nov, our President K Narayanan, Secretary Parasuraman and Past President A Sridahran participated and presented the cheque to the insitution. Bhuavana, General Manager of ANEW welcomed the gathering and thanked the Club for the support. It is the seventh consecutive year (w...
Today, 19 Nov, the prizes for the children's day competition were distributed at PCKG School, Kodambakkam. This is a Government school, where our Club has been involved in remedial classes for students weaker in studies. This project has given consistent results improving the life and education of the students of the school.